The Capable
The Capable actively seek challenges to test their abilities. The Capable believe in themselves. Not in the blind sense of the word, no, not the idealistic you can be anything you want to be type, of use of the word belief. Rather, the belief based on prior accomplishments and backed by knowledge they have learned and skills developed over their entire life. The Capable know they are the only person who can interfere with their goals. The Capable are very aware of their limitations, yet diligently work to lessen them. The Capable are those who keep their expectations balanced, but overcomes their previous limits by consistently and methodically planning to.
The acronym illustrates exactly what it means to be capable, able, fit, and of a certain quality.
Agile Mind
The Capable are collected… keeping their wit and thoughts in reason, they are not easily moved from center. They meet each challenge with poise and confidence. Not scathed by adversity, they pridefully accept things for the way they are and work to improve all they can.
The Capable are aware… purposefully absorbing everything to which they are exposed, they move into each new experience not fearful or anxious, but with excitement and anticipation. They listen to the quiet part of their mind and heed its direction and guidance, knowing their subconscious is the most powerful link to becoming who they are and what they can be.
The Capable are passionate, driven by desire to be more than they once were, they often appear reckless to the timid and meek. They make their goals personal and of the utmost importance. Fervently driven and unafraid of failure, a capable person considers risk to be only a small distraction, easily mitigated and balanced perfectly by their pursuit of personal betterment.
The Capable cultivate an agile mind, unabated by prejudice, with purpose they maintain and develop a mindset set placing intelligent thought as paramount. Realizing problems rarely have linear solutions, the Capable cultivates an openness to all things. No matter how abstract or unconventional, their need to accomplish fuels a mindset of no disregard.
The Capable are bold, faintness of heart is not known to them. They loath the idea cowardice, they breach life with audacity. Strong willed and not easily daunted, the Capable address challenge with an intrepid approach, resolute to become more than they were, and all they can be.
The Capable are limitless, not bound by the restraints of the average man, they see challenges as a personal test. Like a mountain they mean to summit, the Capable enjoy standing atop a challenge, looking back along their route, cataloging the lessons learned along their way hoping they will get to use them in a future trial.
A Capable person values education, knowledge expands capabilities more than all else. The Capable are aware how little they know. They remain humble, aware of their ignorance and willing to absorb all their surroundings provide. Every situation they enter is regarded an opportunity to learn. Every person they encounter is a source of information they value and desire.
The Capable will ironically always remain uncertain of what they are capable of. Each new accomplishment, every new experience, all new knowledge motivates them to pursue more. With each personal success comes only a fleeting moment of glory, a moment always, and nearly immediately followed by the ever-present question…
What am I capable of?